Shipping Anywhere in the United States
We can ship products anywhere in the United States using one of the alternate shipping methods you choose on the check-out page. When you place an order we will estimate shipping dates and estimated shipping charges based upon the projected availability of the items in your order. We generally use UPS or Federal Express for our orders, and, for heavier items, we use Federal Express Freight or UPS Freight. Sometimes we may substitute a substantially equivalent service from one of these carriers for the other depending on weight and dimensions, and which service can get you your order as quickly as possible. Some areas may not be supported by all services. To confirm your shipping destination is supported, please contact one of our customer service associates. Our shipping services will not deliver to P.O. boxes. Please provide an alternative street address in the shipping information fields.
Shipping Costs Calculated
Once you have selected all of the products you desire to purchase, and entered your shipping address, you will find a shipping calculator in your cart. The shipping calculator calculates the estimated cost of shipping based on your delivery address and the shipping method chosen. Ground service is not available in Alaska or Hawaii. Orders shipped to the District of Columbia are subject to state and local sales tax, as applicable. Orders shipped to other states may be subject to sales tax as well; please contact us if you have any questions.
We calculate the estimated shipping cost on the basis of product weight and size, how products can be safely and efficiently combined in packing and the method by which they can be shipped. We have listed the weight of a product, if available, on the specs & feature page. Please note that the weight of the product does not represent the shipping weight used to calculate estimated shipping costs. All estimated shipping weights will be rounded up to the next full pound.
If the weight of your order is less than 150 pounds, our shipping charges are based on the shipping weight of each item of your order. For freight deliveries, those orders for which the weight is 150 pounds and over, your shipping charges are based on weight and volume, the class of the item, whether the delivery address is residential, and whether you need lift gate service. Rates shown are only estimates, and actual rates may be different than the actual charges for your shipment. Differences may occur based on actual weight, dimensions, handling charges and other factors.
Prompt Order Processing
Once we receive your order and determine that it is complete and contains accurate information, we will promptly send you confirmation that we received your order and will promptly start processing your order. Many items at Proscope are shipped directly from the manufacturer. These items have special requirements and some shipping options may not always be possible. We may advise you of slight delays. Proscope makes every effort to provide excellent shipping service from our vendors.
International Orders
We deliver to some countries outside the U.S. with pre-payment of the order. Please send us a message from the Contact Us page if you would like to discuss international ordering options. We ship to most locations in Europe and Asia. Due to security concerns, we reserve our rights not to ship our products to certain regions or countries. If you have any questions regarding our international shipping policy, please contact us for assistance.
Delivery Attempts
The shipping courier will make two attempts to deliver your merchandise and will leave a door hanger notifying you of the attempt. If the package is undeliverable after two attempts, the product will be returned. You will be credited for the price of the item, but you will not be credited for any shipping and handling charges you may have been charged. If you refuse delivery, a credit will be issued for the price of the product but not for shipping charges (if applicable). All credits will be applied to the payment method used in the original order.
Leaving Signed Notes
If you decide to leave a signed note giving our courier permission to leave a package at your door or otherwise leave you a package that you have not signed to receive, you will have relieved both Proscope and the courier of any and all responsibility for loss or damage, all of which will be your responsibility.
Force Majeure
Proscope is not responsible for shipments that are delayed due to causes beyond our control or the control of our carriers, including, but not limited to the following: acts of God, riots, strikes or other labor disputes, air traffic control delays, disruptions in air or ground transportation networks due to events such as weather phenomena and natural disasters.